Where is the school located?
Ziya Bunyadov 3 str., AZ1106
What is the maximum number of students in the class?
The number of students per class mainly consists of 15-20 students.
How is the admission process organized?
Students are admitted by taking an exam in subjects corresponding to the class they are studying. Registration for the interview can be done online, by calling, or by approaching the school.
How is the teacher recruitment process organized?
Teachers are selected through a several-stage competition.
Is there a school uniform?
Our school has its own uniform and students must wear school uniform.
Which international curriculum is applied in the lyceum?
The curriculum in the English section is based on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP).
How is the meal organized for students?
Students have meals in the cafeteria. Meals are prepared in the school canteen meeting high hygienic requirements.
How is the preparation process of students for universities organized?
The lessons for 9th-11th classes are scheduled according to the students’ major choice.
What are the alumni’s university entrance examination results?
Our alumni are admitted to the universities of the Republic of Azerbaijan and prestigious universities in many foreign countries with 100% results every year.