In our lyceum, secondary education is conducted based on national and international curricula, as well as applying modern teaching methods. The goal of secondary education is to ensure the formation of students’ communicative skills, oral and written speech habits, and the strengthening of cognitive activity. In addition, at the secondary education level, students have the opportunity to be provided with information about the history, culture, art, nature, socio-economic opportunities and development of Azerbaijan and other countries, and the role of individual countries in the creation of human civilization.
So, classes are conducted based on well-designed and reinforced curricula for all major subjects. Diagnostic (at the beginning of the year), formative and summative assessments are held several times a year. Assessments are conducted according to international and national assessment criteria. To succeed in the final exams, extra support classes are held in the Azerbaijani language, Mathematics, and English for 9th graders.
The goal of full secondary education is to prepare students for higher education at a high level. This approach, which is organized based on the curriculum drawn up for subjects of interest, provides students with a favorable opportunity for a deeper study of the subjects that are important in choosing a future profession.