The library of Idrak Lyceum actively takes part in the education process and serves the teacher and student collective.
The library stock includes textbooks, teaching aids, methodical and pedagogical books, fiction books, books of universal content (encyclopedias, information books, bibliographic publications), teaching materials for teachers, electronic resources in Azerbaijani, Russian, English, German and Turkish languages.
In general, the library has a leading role in organizing systematic and purposeful reading for students to better master the taught subjects and strengthen their knowledge.
Thus, organization of reading hours in the library, development of critical and creative thinking, discussion and analysis of read works, organization of reading technique hours in primary classes, organization of meetings with poets and writers, holding significant and historical days, listening to audio stories, improving the Azerbaijani language in the Russian section, book review, story days are organized.
Meetings with students and poets and writers are held in the library, and discussions of their works are held.
The library of Idrak Lyceum regularly cooperates with several local and world libraries and bookstores.